Kamis, 25 November 2010

Strategi Produk, Harga, Kepercayaan dan Komitmen untuk Mempertahankan Pelanggan pada Industri Rumput Laut

Oleh : Holila Hatta Universitas Bakrie
(Dipublikasi : The 4th PPM National Conference on Management Research Jakarta, 25 November 2010, ISSN: 2086-0390, hal. 1-11)
This research examines the relationship between product, price, trust and commitment to retain the customer in seaweed industry. Structured questionnaires used for data collection. In-depth interview was also carried out to gain better understanding of business practices. The results demonstrate that price and commitment are related to customer loyalty.
Keyword: trust, commitment, customer loyalty, customer retention.

Pengelolaan hubungan antara pembeli dan pemasok untuk mempertahankan pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting untuk mendapat perhatian, terutama di dalam business to business marketing (Ang dan Buttle, 2006). Penelitian yang difokuskan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pemasok dengan pembeli umumnya termasuk ke dalam kategori customer relationship management.
Penelitian di bidang pengelolaan hubungan antara pemasok dan pembeli telah dilakukan diberbagai bidang industri, khususnya manufaktur. Akan tetapi penelitian yang difokuskan ke dalam bidang pertanian, khususnya rumput laut masih terbatas, bila tidak ingin dikatakan sangat sedikit (Sievanen et al, 2005; Wismiarsi 2008). Sebagian besar penelitian di industri rumput laut adalah di bidang teknologi, budidaya dan manajemen perikanan/kelautan (Sievanen et al, 2005; Wismiarsi 2008). Sementara penelitian yang menitikberatkan pada manajemen pemasaran rumput laut, terutama yang difokuskan kepada hubungan pemasaran serta strategi yang dilakukan oleh para produsen (petani) dan pedagang perantara rumput laut masih sangat terbatas.
Wismiarsi (2009) menganalisis pengaruh produk, harga, komitmen, dan kepercayaan terhadap hubungan antara petani dan pedagang perantara. Hasil penelitian tersebut menyebutkan bahwa hubungan petani (produsen rumput laut) dan pedagang perantara tidak berimbang, karena ada hambatan dalam penyediaan produk, ketidakstabilan harga, komitmen dan kepercayaan. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . (baca selengkapnya)

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Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Trik Toyota Pulihkan Kepercayaan Konsumen

(, Jumat : 8 Oktober 2010)
Toyota Motor Corporation terus berupaya mengembalikan kepercayaan konsumennya akibat krisis recall yang terjadi awal tahun lalu. Caranya, memberikan layanan standar servis baru untuk dua merek Toyota dan Scion.

Di Amerika Serikat (AS), kampanye ini disebut Toyota Care and Scion Service Boost yang menawarkan perawatan berkala dan panggilan darurat 24 jam selama dua tahun atau 25.000 mil (40.225 km).

"Kedua perawatan ini dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual kepada konsumen dan meningkatkan kepercayaan di benak mereka," ujar  Bob Carter, Vice President Toyota Division AS, seperti dilansir (07 Oktober 2010). . . . . . . . . . . . . (baca selengkapnya)

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Jln. Sariasih No. 54 BANDUNG 40151
HP. 08122353284 - 087822984716  Telp/Fax. 022-4267749
PIN BBm : 27CBC148      

Kamis, 04 November 2010


by : Djamchid Assadi, Dmitry Oleysker
Published by : Volume 2, Issue 2, 2006
The era of Internet and globalization immediately brings to mind the crucial role that trust, defined as perceptual belief that one party respects the intentions, actions, and integrity of another party plays in transactions, and conversely, how its absence can be a slowing factor in the growth of commerce.
Trust’s importance as a major facilitator of transactions has led it to be widely analyzed and discussed in economic and business studies. The personality of the trusting party, competence and reputation of the trusted party, and finally the governance of the third parties such as legal, autoregulated or cultural institutions have been mentioned as major sources of trust.
While there appears to be widespread agreement about the importance of trust in transactions, much less is theoretically or practically done about the operating mode of building trust. The purpose of the present research is to suggest actionable policies to build trust. By understanding how trust is generally built, marketers and business responsible managers can contribute to build trust in order to facilitate and thus accelerate transactions and exchanges that fall to them to manage.
The results of this inquiry can be practically applied to facilitate, accelerate, and simplify transactions between individuals. In other words, the findings should help to build trust in order to develop and do business with others. The ultimate objective is to help a seller actively build his counterparts’ trust and confidence to better conclude transactions and deals.

Internet and globalization show, once again the important role that trust plays in transactions and conversely how its absence can be a slowing factor in the growth of commerce. Because transactions engage the handover of value between actors, their success depends on actors’ will to, or to not, honour their commitments. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . (baca selengkapnya)

Artikel Lengkap dikompilasi oleh/ HUBUNGI :
Jln. Sariasih No. 54 BANDUNG 40151
HP. 08122353284 - 087822984716  Telp/Fax. 022-4267749
PIN BBm : 27CBC148      


Trust in Information Sources: Seeking Information from People, Documents, and Virtual Agents

by : Morten Hertzum, Hans H. K. Andersen, Verner Andersen, and Camilla B. Hansen
Published  : Interacting with Computers, vol. 14, no. 5 (2002), pp. 575-599.
The notion of trust has been virtually absent from most work on how people assess and choose their information sources. Based on two empirical cases this study shows that software engineers and users of  commerce websites devote a lot of attention to considerations about the trustworthiness of their sources, which include people, documents, and virtual agents. In the project-based software engineering environment trust tends to be a collaborative issue and the studied software engineers normally know their sources first hand or have them recommended by colleagues. Outside this network people are cautious and alert to even feeble cues about source trustworthiness. For example, users of e-commerce websites – generally perceived as single-user environments – react rather strongly to the visual appearance of virtual agents, though this is clearly a surface attribute. Across the two cases people need access to their sources in ways that enable them to assess source trustworthiness, access alone is not enough.
Keywords: Trust, information-seeking behaviour, information sources, personified virtual agents, usability criteria

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Artikel Lengkap dikompilasi oleh/ HUBUNGI :
Jln. Sariasih No. 54 BANDUNG 40151
HP. 08122353284 - 087822984716  Telp/Fax. 022-4267749
PIN BBm : 27CBC148      
  MUNGKIN Anda BUTUH ini?:

Building Trust with Corporate Blogs

by : Paul Dwyer
ICWSM’2007 Boulder, Colorado, USA.
The personal relationships that companies once had with customers degenerated into the cold automaticity of datagathering with the widespread adoption of management information systems. By restoring a human face to a company’s self-presentation, blogging has been heralded as a paradigm shift in the way companies interact with customers. This study tests a model relating the content of an author's blog posts to readers' responses. It suggests that companies can use blogging to complement customer relationship management processes to the
extent their customers exhibit an organic desire to commune by combining provocative informational content with expressions of benevolent intent. Such consumers respond well to these overtures, showing evidence of increased subject-matter involvement, liking and trust. The study also proposes a way to measure diversity of thought in reader comments to guard against being unduly swayed by a vocal minority.
Keywords : Virtual community, word-of-mouth, trust, cultural tribalism.
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Artikel Lengkap dikompilasi oleh/ HUBUNGI :
Jln. Sariasih No. 54 BANDUNG 40151
HP. 08122353284 - 087822984716  Telp/Fax. 022-4267749
PIN BBm : 27CBC148      
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