Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

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Customer Trust in the Salesperson: An Integrative Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature

by : John E. Swan, Michael R. Bowers & Lynne D. Richardson
(Published : Journal of Business Research , Vol.44, issue 2, February 1999, Pages 93-107)


The development of trust between salespeople and their customers has traditionally been considered a critical element in developing and maintaining a successful sales relationship. This article presents the first comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis of the antecedents of trust and consequences of trust in a sales context. A summary conclusion is that trust has a moderate but beneficial influence on the development of positive customer attitudes, intentions, and behavior. Another conclusion is that salespeople have modest influence over the development of trust between themselves and their customers. A comprehensive model of the role of trust in sales is presented. Directions for future research are identified.

Article Outline

  • Locating Research Results
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Analitical Approach
Definition Issues in Customer Trust of Salesperson
  • Trust Defined
  • Generalizations from the Literature
  • Underdeveloped Issues
  • etc
Measurement Issues in Studies of Customer Trust
  • Trust Measures: Levels of Abstraction, Trust Components
  • Meeting Psychometric Criteria
  • Sampling Differences in Reliability
  • Trust Measurement in Experimental Studies
Meta-Analysis of Trust in Salesperson and Customer Relationships
  • Determinants of Trust
  • Summary Determinants of Trust
  • Consequences of Trust
  • Discussion of Meta-Analysis
  • etc
Discussion and Implications

Refferences.....  . . . . . . . . . . . . (baca selengkapnya)

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